Copeland - YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE Vinyl
YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE marks Copeland's return to the indie scene after a brief hiatus during which the successful Florida outfit considered aligning itself with Columbia Records and released the stopgap, odds-and-sods collection DRESSED UP AND IN LINE before settling down with sympathetic indie imprint Tooth & Nail. The confident and assured YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE exhibits little evidence of this turmoil, however, and sounds like a logical progression from the rapidly maturing emo pop of 2006's EAT, SLEEP, REPEAT. As always, Aaron Marsh's whispery, Elliott Smith-like vocals establish a rather subdued tone that allows relative innovations like the unusual chord progression of "The Grey Man" and the horn dappled hooks of "The Day I Lost My Voice (The Suitcase Song)" to lend subtle sonic coloring to this pleasing, unobtrusive record.
- Format: Vinyl
- Genre: Pop