Fripp & Eno - Evening Star Vinyl

$28.34 $29.99

Personnel: Robert Fripp (guitar); Brian Eno (tape loops, synthesizer).
Two years after their first recording NO PUSSYFOOTING set the standard for ambient music, Fripp and Eno reconvened for another round of subtle, inventive instrumental pieces. While the format is much the same as on the previous album (cycling tape-delayed guitar loops over ambient synth backgrounds), there's further refinement of the approach. Taking the minimalist mantle much more literally, there's much less movement in these pieces, and it's that stasis that makes the delicate sonic tapestry all the more compelling.
Where NO PUSSYFOOTING was relatively visceral and hard-edged, EVENING STAR is much gentler, often practically bucolic. The increased connection to the natural world is seen on titles like "Wind on Water" and "Wind on Wind." The highly processed synth and guitar tones often take on the aspect of natural elements themselves, such is the warm, organic quality of EVENING STAR.

  • Format: Vinyl
  • Genre: Pop